Charity matters to us
Part of our mission as a Church is to be a positive force for good in the world. We support a varied list of charities by donating our time as volunteers and by raising money through donations, coffee mornings, and one-off events.
We provide regular support to
amazing charities.
CHARITIES we supportED in 2024
Whitechapel Mission
Founded in 1876, Whitechapel Mission has given friendship, love and support to the poor and homeless in London. We support this Methodist charity each Harvest and Christmastime. Our annual collection of men's and women's clothing, shoes, wrapped chocolate bars and toiletries takes place on a Saturday in November (watch for an announcement)
The oldest Bible Society in the world, NMBS seeks to serve military and seafaring communities across the world. MMC has linked with the Society over several generations and we continue to support its aim reaching out to military personnel and the merchant marine wherever they are based.
we support
- Wycombe Homeless Connection
- Queen Victoria Seaman's Mission
- Action for Children
- Whitechapel Mission
- Barnabas Fund
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Embrace the Middle East
- Compassion
- Happy Children's Home, Kathmandu
- The Leprosy Mission
- All We Can
- One Can Trust
- Naval and Military Bible Society
- Wycombe Youth for Christ
- Lighthouse Marlow
- Christian Aid
And also the Methodist Funds for World Mission, Mission in Britain, Property, & Support of Presbyters & Deacons
If you'd like more information, please contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]